Advancing Freedom of and from Religion
IRAC aims to challenge Israel’s monopolistic religious structure and the religious stranglehold of Orthodox and ultra-Orthodox Judaism forced on Israelis today.
Israel’s Declaration of Independence includes an impressive commitment to freedom of religion, but the implementation of this right in Israel falls far short of the usual standards in democratic states. The Orthodox religious hegemony extends to nearly all spheres of religious and civic life in Israel, leaving personal status matters such as marriage, divorce, burial, and conversion in the exclusive realm of the ultra-Orthodox Chief Rabbinate. As a result, religious coercion has become an inseparable part of life for most Israeli citizens, and the level of discrimination that exists against progressive Judaism would be unimaginable in any other democratic country.
Thanks to IRAC:
Reform and Conservative converts are recognized under the Law of Return and are eligible for Aliyah.
The Chief Rabbinate no longer holds a monopoly over kashrut certification.